The Blue House Project is funded by our product sales, sponsorship and donations. Donations are much appreciated and 100% is invested in our projects and the local community. We emphasize transparency and a bottom up approach that is local-led.
All our donors receive a personal e-mail on how their donation has been used.
Bank account details:
Stichting The Blue House Project
Take advantage of tax benefits with a periodic donation
The Blue House Project has been authorised by the tax authorities as an ANBI foundation (the Dutch hallmark for charities). This means that The BHP is officially recognised as a charity foundation that fulfils the conditions to assure that the collected money ends up where it is supposed to. We provide transparency about our money flows and projects. Additionally, an ANBI-status means that donations to The BHP are tax deductible.
With a periodic donation, your donations are tax deductible. If you want to take maximum advantage of the tax benefits, enter into a periodic donation agreement with The Blue House Project. In this agreement you agree to donate a fixed amount per year for a minimum of five years. This means that your contribution is fully deductible from your income tax every year. And you can even increase your donation without paying more. In that case, the tax authorities will contribute to your donation.
Interested? Sign up or contact us for more information.