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Volunteer guestbook

Foto van schrijver: Jaira SonaJaira Sona

Bijgewerkt op: 2 feb 2019

Volunteers from all over the world who visited the Blue House, can leave a message here. 💙 We thank everyone for their time, positive energy and unconditional help!

Ahndao Lee - Vietnam


Cảm ơn !!!!! vì có các em chuyến đi của tôi mới trở nên thật sự ý nghĩa. <><><>


Hôm nay là ngày cuối chúng tôi được gặp những gương mặt ngây ngô nhưng cũng vô cùng năng động và hiếu học này. <><><>


Và rồi ổi, chanh, xoài của chúng tôi sẽ lớn, sẽ triễu quả trên cành, trái ngọt sẽ thuộc về các em :)) và rồi các em cũng sẽ lớn, hy vọng vẫn sẽ tiếp tục được cấp sách đến trường, để rồi mai sau sẽ trở thành công dân có ích cho xã hội.<><><>


Mọi điều tốt đẹp nhất sẽ đến nếu ta biết cố gắng.

Diana Jeler - Romania

Hopefully, everyone took Jaira Sona Chin as an example of how easy it is to MAKE A CHANGE as long as you care 😇

Keep up the good work! Wish you the best of luck!! 🍀🤗

Tea Januš - Croatia

Prije dvije godine (kolovoz, 2016.) Jaira Sona Chin (mlada studentica iz nizozemske), srela je u prolazu četiri dječaka koji su prosili na ulicama Pushkar. Sona ih je pratila do njihovog doma, gdje je upoznala preko 200 obitelji koje žive u nesretnim uvjetima: na otvorenome polju, u šatorima od tkanina i drvenih štapića, bez WC-a ili tuš kabina, koji nose istu prljavu odjeću tjednima. Sona je odlučila poduzeti nešto. Htjela je napraviti promjenu i prekinuti međugeneracijski ciklus siromaštva.

Tako se mjesec dana kasnije (rujan, 2016.)

Svrha projekta je olakšati život manjeprosječne obitelji usredotočujući se na 3 važna elementa:




Atahan Tekcan - Turkey

The Blue House made it possible for me to understand how easy it is to change people's lives. Sona is just 23, still studying Law in Amsterdam, and her project is already 3 years old. She gave an opportunity to these children and their families to have a better future. I feel so happy that I contributed in this project at least for 3 days! Hope to see these kids finishing their studies!

Sekiguchi Yoichiro - Japan

Irene Mayol - Spain

Small people, in small places, doing small things, can change the world." That is what the Blue House Project is doing in Pushkar! I feel so lucky and proud of being a part of this! Thank you Jaira Sona for letting me join. I am sure this is the start of beautiful work together!

Teun & Lyke - Holland

We've experienced a wonderful day with Jaira and all the Blue House kids and had a lot of fun by giving them English and maths classes. At the same time, we were confronted with the difficult living conditions of the families. Jaira is doing incredible valuable and amazing work for the families in Pushkar by providing them with support, education, employment and so much more. Keep up the good work!

Ps. If you are from the Netherlands: check out to buy some of the beautiful items that are made by the families in Pushkar. As an employee at Wiezewasjes, I experienced how valuable the profit of these products is for the Blue House families.

Ryan O'Driscoll - Canada

I became close with Pavan for his boundless good temper and affection during my time in the Blue House. I'm happt that thanks to Sona, Pavan is now going to school at age 3.

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